Site Logo - Joe Strummer can be coy too.

Midnight Jam


Li Transmitters to fall
All recievers to thirst
This is London calling...
This is London calling...
All right everybody...
Once again, I'm tuning into the best chance
You can find anywhere in the world
At any time, any place...
Now I'd like to let it rip
On the all different tip
Now we gonna control over tower here
To the great originator, mr leeroy, let it roll
Meanwhile we're gonna take it
And that's a train
In a destructible feel once again
Since the last programme I've been around
The world touring
You name every jail in germany
I've been there
Let's check it out a little bit with this 
Very unusual song

Joe Strummer
Richard Flack
Tymon Dogg
Martin Slattery
Scott Shields


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